
Cascading context menus via static registry entries and ExtendedSubCommandsKey in Windows 7

The Problem

If you have been looking for a way to add cascading menus to the Windows 7 Explorer using static registry entries you may have found this article on MSDN. It is either too obscure to understand or wrong, or both, at least in the version dated 5/3/2011.

The description below was derived from looking at what registry accesses Explorer performs when you open a context menu (using MS / Sysinternals Process Explorer).

The Solution

First you create an “anchor” entry that will be added to the context menu:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"MUIVerb"="My Useful Tools"

If ExtendedSubCommandsKey is set to “foo\bar” then Explorer will look for the key “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\foo\bar\Shell”. Under that key it expects one subkey for each entry, e.g. (using the above value for ExtendedSubCommandsKey):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"MUIVerb"="Open CMD here"


"MUIVerb"="Another Command"


Random stuff

Add "Position"="Bottom" to the anchor entry if you want it to show up at the bottom of the context menu.

The submenu entries are sorted according to the name of their registry key. I added 0XX to the names to force a specific order. As described in the MSDN article the CommandFlags value can be added (using the codes listed here) to customize the menu entries and create separators.



  1. this quite makes up for the poor documentation on msdn. however, i haven't managed to get this working for a specific file type - only for *

    any ideas if it's possible?

  2. @idleberg
    Sorry I haven't tried that, so I don't know. If it doesn't work you could use the Process Explorer to see what registry entry it looks at.

  3. Thanks for this, a lot clearer than the MS docs.
    I've managed to extract icons from dlls containing resources like this:
    Is there a way to also extract texts for the items from a dll resource? I'm looking at a situation where I need a localized menu text ...

  4. If you want a icon in the submenu, put this after MUIVerb:
